WINGED RIBBON by crumbit335 manu_bhaiya is a pioneering noise music artist and a member of noise outfit Crumbit335. With a solid artistic background, manu_bhaiya also dabbles in visual glitch art and spreads his intelligence, taste and love as a freelance writer for prominent art publications. Winged Ribbon is Crumbit335's debut album and a must-listen for aficionado's of the obscure and nascent noise noobs. Featured Art: '#god' by manu_bhaiya [The below is a transcript from an interview with Manu_Bhaiya on the Noise Project show. Aired on] Firoz Berly 0:02 manu_bhaiya, welcome to the show! There's this question that usually comes to me when it comes to what kind of music I play on the Brain Dance radio. And my usual retort is that I avoid anything that's noisy, and it was during this time that you came along with your work in noise music. I come across your profile while scouring through Instagram and I see this solid and att...
A curator and internet radio host who has been collecting and sharing music for the past fourteen years. Underrated and eclectic albums were discovered in the process and he now shares his taste with the general public under the solemn belief that the propagation of musical soundscapes leads to the discovery of novel emotional landscapes. Enjoy your visit and remember,"Sicut superius, et inferius"!