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Showing posts from October, 2021

Interview with Manu_Bhaiya x Noise Music in India

WINGED RIBBON by crumbit335 manu_bhaiya  is a pioneering noise music artist and a member of noise outfit Crumbit335. With a solid artistic background, manu_bhaiya also dabbles in visual glitch art and spreads his intelligence, taste and love as a freelance writer for prominent art publications. Winged Ribbon is Crumbit335's debut album and a must-listen for aficionado's of the obscure and nascent noise noobs.  Featured Art: '#god' by manu_bhaiya [The below is a transcript from an interview with Manu_Bhaiya on the Noise Project show. Aired on]  Firoz Berly  0:02  manu_bhaiya, welcome to the show! There's this question that usually comes to me when it comes to what kind of music I play on the Brain Dance radio. And my usual retort is that I avoid anything that's noisy, and it was during this time that you came along with your work in noise music. I come across your profile while scouring through Instagram and I see this solid and att...